For over 60 years the National Conference of State Social Security Administrators (NCSSSA) has provided an effective
network of communication for federal, state, and local governments concerning social security coverage and federal employment tax policy.
With the enactment of Section 218 to the Act in 1950, states could first exercise the option of providing social security coverage for state and
local employees. By the end of 1951, 30 states had executed Section 218 Agreements with the federal government. The responsibility for
administering the social security program varied from state to state, depending on the particular state’s enabling legislation.
State Administrators began to operate in an area where no precedent existed. It became apparent that a forum was needed where the
administrators could address the many problems and questions posed by the new program. The first forum between State Social Security
Administrators and federal officials was held in January 1952, in Bloomington, Indiana. As a result, the NCSSSA was established to provide a
unified state perspective at the federal level to provide an on-going Annual Conference for problem solving and to maintain an open forum for the
development of new policy.
Since its formation in 1952, the NCSSSA has worked closely with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
to address social security (and later Medicare) coverage and employment tax issues raised by state and local employers and State Social Security
Administrators throughout the United States. The NCSSSA works with federal officials to ensure that legislative and regulatory changes address state
and local concerns. The NCSSSA provides leadership to state and local governments through accurate interpretation of federal laws and regulations,
communication of federal tax policy, and resolution of problems arising at the state and local level. The NCSSSA hosts national workshops and annual
meetings where SSA and IRS officials address the concerns of state and local government representatives in a face-to-face format. NCSSSA officials
represent public sector employers on various SSA and IRS committees and work groups.